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Terry is a successful songwriter and producer based in L.A.  He is a Foundation Fellow for the Joseph Campbell Foundation as well as a busy performer, composer, and educator. Terry describes his teaching philosophy at California's Musicians Institute: "If philosophy is the first wonder; exploring its beauty follows to be the second... My impulse for [teaching] is to continue to bring forth the beauty that lives within the artist. The artist is the visionary of today, and the function of the artist is to see, hear, and produce art from the images and surroundings we all share. Every student has the right to pursue dreams and the landscape of the soul is where it all comes together. By collaborating and connecting with the muse that drives us, we can create art that resonates with everyone. It was my privilege to work as a staff songwriter at Warner Chappell Music where I experienced this great gift of wonder that opened the door to exploring the thoughts and ideas of the terrific artists there, including Stephanie Mills, Joey Lawrence, Michael Learns to Rock, Dazz Band, and many others."
Terry has received wide acclaim for his stirring song "Every Hundred Years," based on Black Elk Speaks that uses an old cylinder of John Niehart (author of the book Black Elk Speaks: Biography of the Oglala Sioux Holy Man) speaking of "the ineffably glorious privilege of Being." He has recently composed several children's songs, including the theme for the television program "It's Gronk!" and has been working in the studio recording his own CD, "Shaking Down the Chakras." In words and music, Terry celebrates the Dance of Life through the upward/downward energy flow of the chakras. Of the importance of internalizing these basic concepts, Lupton says, "Once realized, retained, and woven into everyday life, we can learn how to live when we naturally slip back down the spiral. It is perhaps a glimpse of the Sacred Way that we all are ascending by living out our Mythic Journey." He is a performer and creative consultant for the Imagination Stations at the Mythic Journeys conference in Atlanta, GA June 7-11, 2006.



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